Monday, July 25, 2011


Last Sunday (24/7/2011) I went to Subang to find my friends
Then 4 of us go to Sunway lepak2
We watched Harry Potter
But I don't know why I tertidur during this show~LOL
After that, we ternampak a Malaysia local chinese actress *ermmmmmm~don't want comment too much~LOL*

After that we went to dinner at a quite-high-class mamak stall
But they didn't serve nasi goreng kambing, I pun tak tau kenapa =.=
Then 2 of my friends said they tired for walking whole day and want balik *apa lah ni, tarak stamina langsung..go exercise pls =P*
Tinggal I and I punya lagi 1 friend
Then he pun ajak me go to his room and do something-that-cannot-tell ;)

After that he ask me teman him go Subang Parade to see something
Around 10.00p.m. like that he ask me follow him back to his room and do something-that-cannot-tell again ;)
After finish the something-that-cannot-tell,
He pun teman me until I safely masuk into the KTM station coz he scare I kena culik ;)
Thanks, I'm quite happy ;)
Eventhough that time I superb don't want go back home and he knows why
But I terpaksa balik juga coz I didn't bring any of my daily products =(

Yesterday I finally can't stand with my hair coz its long and frizzy kat belakang
I pun go cut and re-dye again
At the first I very scare I can't accept the colour coz the hairstylist gave me a quite bright colour
But at the end, quite ok with the colour ;)
But quite not ok with the length of my hair coz she cut it too much =(
I don't want post picture here coz I'm fatter recently and makes me so ugly T_T

OYS wants to say something
Maybe some of u already know or think that I'm super duper mata duitan
Yes, I am...........BUT I'm not as mata duitan as I show
Even though I always say that I want to find a super duper rich person
But in reality, as long as the person care me, sayang me, love me
Money is not really that big in my eyes..cukup pakai sudah la ;)

Saw this little mice at pool center ;)