Friday, August 3, 2012

I'm back!!!

Hey…. :)

I'm back!!!
I know I've been MIA for 2 and half months, I'm so sorry but if only you care about this :P
Why I'm missing??? I'm working lorhhhh :P
I know some of you might says that, What kind of big business are you doing until you're so busy???
To answer that question, I do have free times but I'm lazy lorhhhh, I prefer to wear my ugly pyjamas and hug my bolster and sit in front of lappy watching Hong Kong drama :P

Alright, there's too many things happened in this 2 and half months. Some are happy and some are not. Anyway, currently I'm happy and satisfy with my life :)

I'm blank now.
I don't know what to write.
You told me that you're waiting for me to find you
And do you know that I'm doing the same thing too???
I feel that I'm quite interested to explore the Philippines now
Maybe I shouldn't take this so seriously.

Ok, nothing's inside my head now.
Buhhhh byeeee and good luck!!!

I'm narcissist :P