Now I’m
going to story you all about one of the most embarrassing and yet grateful experience
I ever encountered.
Earlier I
went to this Fortune Land Vegetarian Shop in Taman Kok Lian near Jalan Ipoh to
have my brunch
The specialty
of this shop is it offers 1 rice and 3 dishes at RM2
I know you
all sure think I will get a pitiful amount of food since its RM2
I can tell
you are wrong and see the pictures I attach below
Or maybe you
will think the food is not good but you’re wrong again
Normally I
can stay full until my dinner time because *ehemmm* I’m slim now
My stomach
get smaller but that doesn’t mean the food is little
A lot of
construction workers came here and eat most probably because it is cheap
That can be
the best prove to show the food is very fulfilling
Btw the boss
did not pay me to do this promo nor me myself owe the shop
I do this is
because of my story below and I want to share this restaurant to you all
You know…sharing
is caring
And most
Malaysian should opt to eat more vegetarian food since obesity is getting more
serious nowadays
Or if you
scare doctors will have no jobs in future just ignore what I said above xD
I know not
all vegetarian food is healthy because some of it is processed food
The answer
is just don’t choose those foods lo
Ok back to
my story
As usual I went
there and queue for food
After I got
my foods and went to the counter I realized I do not have any money in my phone
Fyi my phone
case is my second wallet, it has compartments for me to keep my cards and bank
I think I shall
call it phone wallet haha
The reason
why I do not have any bank notes is because the previous day I helped my mum
buy lottery and then I forgot to top up the money
Then I told
the boss to wait me awhile as I left money in my car
Actually no
la I just want to go to my car to search for money
Fyi normally
I will put a small bag of coins in my car drawer for emergency purpose
I took the coin bag down to my house and forget to put it back
Ohhhhhh shit
Then I search
every corner, below carpet and basically my whole Xiao Bai
And I got
RM1.75 and it is all coins
My food cost
RM2.50 because I got 4 dishes instead of 3
At that
moment the bad side of me said just run away la
But the good
side of me said just face it with the RM1.75
And I choose
the second one *angel halo above my head*
I went back
to the shop and tell the boss that I will pay the balance on my next visit
he smiled at me and said just forget about the balance and gave me my plate of
I feel so
grateful and at the same time embarrassing
My face
worth 5 million dollars btw J
I definitely
will pay the remaining 75 cents back to the boss next time.
This is the one I have during the incident
p/s: Some of you might ask why I took so many of these pictures
It's because I'm a loving boyfriend
I don't want my baby worry I hungry so I show what I eat everyday xD
Two days ago
I got my exam result
I know you
all very ke po want to know la
Now I can
proudly say I got an overall second upper class for this year *applause*
Converted to
CGPA it’s more than 3.5 according to one of my friend because I do not know how
to count CGPA as my degree don’t use such method *double applause*
And of
course my degree life have not ended yet and I’m targeting, hopefully, a first
class result next year J
Looking back
at my previous years, I really feel that I had wasted much time on unnecessary
It’s time to
put everything back together and rush to the ending point with full efforts!!!
Thanks to my
beloved baby for helping me to check my exam result online while I’m hiding
behind you nervously
I know you’re
trying to make me even nervous but with that smile on your face and the way you
look at me I know that I did well in the exam
I know how
to read your face ok because I stay inside your heart xP
On one
random night Audrey and I went for a movie
And finally I
found a movie kaki to watch horror disgusting thriller genre with me as my baby
dislike this kind of movie
I’m quite surprise
that she loves this kind of movie because majority (I shall say 70%) of my
friends, even guys, dislike it because it’s scaring
They always
say it’s not worth to pay and get scared
So it’s more
worth paying for a romantic or love movie and cry la is it??
I forgot
what is the movie’s name and I also lazy to google for it
It’s about a
ship found an unusual object in the middle of the ocean
And it
appears to be a monster and killed all the person on the ship except for one
girl survived
Both of us
feel that the movie can be better as to create more scariness
I’m not sure
whether or not the scary part had been cut off
You know extreme
scene is not allowed in Malaysia as most Malaysian have a fragile glass heart
But Audrey said
she observed some part had been cut off
Roller coaster pirate ships etc which physically scared people and might cause
heart attack and other psychiatric illness are allowed but horror scenes are not
allowed *whatkindoflogicisthat*
Overall the
movie is not bad for us as there are few scenes successfully caught our nerves
And our
quote for that night is 【主角不会那么早死的,要是死了就不是主角】
Which means
the main character will not dies so fast, if he/she did then they are not the
main character
So bear this
quote in your mind and do not need to have drama when your favourite main
character is on life risk
He/she will
not dies that soon J
Mandatory selfie before movie because we are Asian and *ehemmm* good looking hahaha J
That’s all
for this post
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