Finally can rest ady
During raya, I went back to my hometown, Teluk Intan
That time I'm superb tired+lack of sleep
Everyday also around 2 or 3a.m. only sleep
Then around 10a.m. already wake up prepare nice nice go out again
Tiring but quite happy..awwwwwwww ❤
The most happy thing is some of my friends said that I look more slim ady..haha *flips hair*
When I went back to my hometown,
Some of my friends said that I look like Korean now..wakakaka *dancing around*
Sometimes I also admit that I'm not really look like 100% pure Chinese now *perasan giler babi* ;)
But my black root hair is coming out ;(
I don't know whether I should dye it or just let it grow U_U
Sometimes I miss my black hair but sometimes I wish that my hair got abit of colour >.<
My friend's mum told me that dye too much hair will make white hair grow faster
Oh mai gattttt..I don't know what should I do now T_T
my lovely black hair is saying hello to me ;)
*ignore my noob face plssss*
I started to jogging recently
About 3 times per week
Hope that I can lose around 8-10kg within 2 months
I want slim laaaaaaaa A_A
I don't want fat laaaaaaaa U_U
But but but………
Yesterday I bought a packet of curry fish head and ate 3 plates of rice =.=
I'm commiting suicide T_T
The curry fish head super duper nice laaaaaaaa..oh mai gattttt Y_Y
Seriously, give me another 2 months and I will prove that I'm going to slim again
Believe me believe me believe me ;)Thankiewwwwww ❤
Korean or Chinese? XD
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