Thursday, September 8, 2011


I don't know why suddenly I miss my secondary school life
Its kinda emo shit la
I always imagine I walk on my school's field during sunset where the leaf is falling down from the tree while the wind is blowing
Arhhhhhhhhh..such a good scene XD
The scene will be better if someone is holding my hands at the time ;)

Time pass so fast
Its already September liao laaaaa
The end of the year is coming soon =(
Seriously, I hate time pass so bloody fast >.<
I don't want to grow up T_T
If maturity is a part of growing up
Then, I would like to stay childish forever
I scare I will lose u after growing up U_U

Today I went to donate blood..yay!!!
Actually its nothing for me to yay
But I just yay for fun only XDDDDDD
Btw, like my same old pattern
I like to playing around eventhough in blood donating place
I was queing for a small medical check up
When I heard the nurse ask the guy infront of me about his weight
I direct go to the weighing machine and weight myself eventhough the nurse didn’t ask me to do so
I got no shame..hahahahahahahaha

After that, I ask the nurse;
Me: Darah O positive ni laku ke tak? (My blood is O positive)
Nurse: Semua darah laku, tapi kalau nak cari O negative ni susah sikit la
Me: Kenapa har?
Nurse: Seluruh Malaysia ni Cuma 2% saja orang yang ada darah O negative
Me: Then apa darah yang paling banyak?
Nurse: O positive
Me: O positive banyak means O positive paling tak laku la..hahahahaha ;)

When the nurse wanted to put the needle into my blood capilary
I said, "Jangan cucuk begitu kuat..i takut sakit la"
The guy beside me laugh and said; "Mula2 tu sakit la, lepas tu ok la"
Then I said, "Tak mau la, perlahan-lahan masuk la, janganlah terburu2..nanti sakit"
After the nurse put the needle in,
I said, "Eh, tak sakit liao..kebas sikit..rasa seronok pula"
The guy just laugh and started to chit chat with me XD
I got no shame at all..hahahaha ;)

OYS language for today
Actually donating blood is not as pain as what some people said
It’s a good thing for us to donate blood as we can help to save other's life
And yea, I'm an angel..yay ;)

  The place where the nurse put the needle in
I'm an angel