Friday, March 30, 2012

My sex dream

This is going to be a little bit 18x post
So if you're still a little children with a superb innocent mind *ahemmm…like me*
Please don't read, but I know you will still read coz human always like to do something that they shouldn't do AND no one can resist 18x stuff =P
So, enjoy!!!

I had 2 dream continuosly the same and its about SEX last night
And the one who had sex with me is one of my friend, WTF!!! =.="
Don't ask me why coz I also don't know =P

First dream, I was going to find my friend, ABC, who is going to be my sex partner in that dream
After that, I went to ABC's room and found that nobody there
Then I sit down and rest
Suddenly ABC appear don't know from where with no clothes, I mean really that no clothes at all
Then start all those romance romance stuff, just romance!!!
Haven't start to have sex yet
Then I woke up!!! I know its quite potong stim =.="
After that I feel I'm like a pervert, why the fuck I can have a dream like this and the one is my friend somemore
Ok, then I lie down and hug my bolster tight tight and sleep again.

Second dream, in this dream, no more all that romance romance stuff
This time direct to the sex part
Both of us are doing all that you-know-what
And without condom somemore, WTF!!!
We did that for quite a long time but I forget about the time
Haiya, normally happy hours is passing like a rocket
After finish the you-know-what, both of us lie on the bed and hug hug kiss kiss each other
And finally I woke up!!! =/

Nah nah nah, I warned you in the beginning of this post that this is going to be a little bit 18x
You're the one that want to scroll down and read
So don't blame me on writing disgusting stuff
Blame yourself!!! Who ask you so horny?!!

Last time I heard from others that when you dream someone when you're sleeping
That means the someone is missing you or thinking about you
Oi, is that means YOU always think to have sex with me?!!
You don't think I don't know!!!
Now Mr. Dream tell me already =P

Ok la, maybe next time when I meet with ABC in real life
I guess I'm going to be slutty a little bit
Hey hey hey, don't think so much!!!
I just want to test whether ABC got think to have sex with me or not
If yes, means that the theory is correct
If no, means that the thory is a bullshit created by old people to bluff youngster make them syok sendiri =P

Maybe some peoples will say that, "Eh common sense also know its not true la, don't so superstitious can or not?"
But you know what?
Little children always have a very innocent mind
They always believe interesting facts told by others
What do you mean by, OMG you dreamt about this and you say you're innocent?!!
I can't control my dream ok?!!
But that doesn't mean I'm not innocent
I'm still a little innocent angel baby prince boy!!!

Next time I'm going to ask ABC this question =P