Saturday, October 20, 2012


Rain rain and rain

This makes me think of Hong Kong more and more now
Personally I love travel around either alone or with companion
Ok la, I admit that I went online and searched for requirements to become air-steward..LOL
And searched whether any airlines want to employ part-time air-steward
If yes, no doubt, I will go and apply immediately
Become a pilot is my first dream job ever
Besides from they’re able to travel around the world, this job is kinda cool
And their uniform is damn awesome and smart
So far I never see a pilot with full set of uniform but still look dumb
When they walk out from the plane and everyone are looking at them
That’s so glamour
But maybe inside their heart they also syok sendiri and hidung kembang larh because they able to fly and land an aeroplane safely with hundreds of lives inside their hand
The only thing that is not glamour is those passengers will not scream the pilot’s name and clapping their hands..LOL

Even pilot is my first ambition ever and yet I can’t and won’t able to do it because of my stupid short-sightedness
My parents got perfect eye sight but I don’t have, I don’t know why
Ok larh, maybe because last time not everyone has computers and tv in their home
And they prefer go for outdoor activities such as;
For girls, wearing a very high waist shirt with flora top and a big sunglasses and posing under the coconut or banana tree and the guys will be responsible for taking pictures
Or sit at railway track and look up the sky with an emotional sad face just like they missed only one word in the lottery to win the grand prize
Even though this do make sense but some of my friends who always face computer and tv and yet they still have a good eye sight
The only thing I can say is when God give you a good thing, ex: beautiful face *ehemmmmm…*, He will surely give you a bad thing too..LOL
If in the future I’m dare enough to go for eye laser surgery, maybe I still can enroll into this job
After that, I’m facing another big problem, MATHEMATICS
I’m not a numerous person, although I get an A+ for my Maths *flips hair*
But pilot’s Maths are crazy for me
Before I can passed the exam, maybe I will tear the exam papers inside the exam hall and walk out like a boss..LOL

So I change my plan and aim for air-steward
For my choices of airlines, I prefer Cathay Pacific or Emirates Airlines
I watched a few video tittled life of a flight attendant in Youtube
This makes me more passionate to this job I don’t know why
It’s just serving peoples inside the plane
Just like what I’m doing when I’m working at Pacific Coffee
Maybe serving peoples above the cloud is cooler I guess
Besides that I can see a lot of different faces all around the world
I’m not gatal ok, just curious
And maybe I can know a few of super rich peoples when I’m serving the first class cabin and they like me
After that I don’t have to work anymore..LOL
I won’t get this kind of experiences in Pacific Coffee because we don’t have a first, business and economy’s class table
So I won’t know who is rich and who is not
Ok, this is going a little bit too drama..hahahaha

My mum says where got Law degree holder go and become air-steward one
Don’t have right? If they do, most probably they will go and become lawyer, fight for their clients and become money suckers *p/s: A friend of mine from US told me that, they define lawyers as money suckers..LOL
But I’m a little bit different and most probably I’m crazy
I'm going to obtain a Law degree and yet I still want go and smile at passengers to take their order and deliver to them inside the plane
My mum says that this kind of job doesn’t suit me because I don’t have patience
Most probably if the passengers are too troublesome, maybe I will shout at them and ask them make a simple order
Anyway, I still like this job because I love travelling

A little bit touch up of my daily life recently
Everything quite good, quite only
My degree classes already started for 7 weeks (35 days) up to today
Out of this 7 weeks (35 days), I already absent for more than 3 weeks (17 days)..LOL
And this week I just went for Monday’s classes and the rest are public holidays in my own perspective
I know this is no good but I’m always have a kind of idea that in order to get a good results in exam, attending classes every single day is not a compulsory one
Just like my A-Level, I didn’t go for classes for more than 65% of the whole attendance
And everyone including my lecturers think that I’m going to fail for the exam
I just studied for about two or three days before the exam and I still manage to pass it :)
Pass only ah?
Hello dude, I got no knowledge at all about the subject matter and I just studied it for a few days and this is consider very good already
I’m not trying to sound like a badass but this is what happened to me
My own perspective is that going to class is just like a bonus that you might get extra information
But when I’m in class, I’m normally chit chatting with my classmates, eating, surfing net, Youtubing watching Hong Kong drama using my beloved HTC baby
So that really doesn’t make any difference whether I go for class or not
I know some of you might say good luck to me now
Ok, thankiu for that.

I’m craving for KFC so seriously now :’(
Finish crapping.
Buh bye :)

Rilakkuma :)