Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My 38 Friends-True Friends

In our life, we need friends

True friends are hard to find =(

But I’m lucky that I found YOU ALL =D

Kee Ronghui, Yap Qian Yee, Lee Yee Huey and Lim Zi En

4 of you really awesome

There will not a chance for “cold environment” to appear when we are together

We can LUNG-TALK, JI MIU-TALK, HENG DAI-TALK from the very beginning to the end of the day

Laugh like hell in the public

We think that the place is our bapa dan emak punya =)

We can talk everything to each other

Even the most sensitive issue

Because we do believe in each other

We really take our heart into this friendship

Let me talk about my 1st impression of you all

Kee Ronghui (Penguin)

My 1st impression of you is, “walao, you perlu so hardworking bo???” LOL

You are just so rajin

Each time teacher gives homework, you seldom lewat hantar

You will sure finish in time

But its benefit to me juga la

Cause I boleh pinjam and salin from you..wakaka

Boleh kata out of 10 homework, I salin 9 of it from you =D

You pula always treat me as your kuli to help you cancelling the calender although it is more nearer to you and its your job..ISHHHHH =P

Then sometimes we can talk about some bitchy talk..ROFL


I always laugh at your jantina

Me and ehuey always doubt at your “trueness” of your watermelon

You are shy of it sometimes

But in other times you quite cooperate with us..haha

You like to use your lung when you talk

And I used back my lung to answer you

Finally, we end up with a big and 38 laugh..wakaka

Yap Qian Yee (Thousand fish)

You give me punya 1st impression ialah, “hello miss, you perlu begitu diam bo?”

You are so quiet in the beginning

When we walk infront, you always walk behind

Mula-mula I ingat you dislike us

But when the days go on

You started to adapt to us

The thing that you paling funny is when you apply sunblock or whitening product, you apply juga at your eyebrow

And I always laugh at you, asking you why you want to whiten up your eyebrow..wakaka

I appreciate to you when you help me to do my homework..haha =)

Sometimes I lagi menyebabkan you lewat hantar your work, but you didn’t angry me =D

Maybe other will thinks that we are couple

But we know we are not..we are true friend =)

Still remember this? “Belakang cakap”, “I also don’t know whether you are girl or not”, “Lu mana besar?” etc……..

I always use this term when I talk to you

And you will always like mau angry but can’t angry punya face..wakaka

Lee Yee Huey (Ehuey)

My 1st thinking when I saw you is, “ermmmmm, this girl quite good in study”

In the beginning, I was quite admire your studies

You are just great in your study

You are quite quite and cool when we are not so close

So, I feel you macam not so friendly la

But once we are close enough

OMG..we are so crazy

We always pakat to talk about penguin’s watermelon and laugh at her everything..wakaka

When I went to your house, I was so funny to see your anti-aging product..LOL

Pai seh pai seh..i bocor liao you use anti-aging product in such a young age..hehe

I also always laugh at your liquid paper sunblock..haha

The most 38 thing we like to do is talk about ZAI (boys) and LUI (girls)

You always “kap lui” and I always “kap zai”

Then we always talk about our “kao zai” and “kao lui” punya kungfu =)

Lim Zi En (Piano girl)

When I see you in the beginning, I was like, “adui, why you so cool de?”

Its hard to see you talk and smile when we are not close

Everytime you macam sudah makan lemon, your face was so masam and emo

Want to talk to you also takut

Maybe like music punya people mostly also emo punya gua..haha

But once we close liao

WOW..I can see a totally different punya you

We talk, we laugh and we 38 together

When we go sing karaoke, I always laugh you because you always choose boy’s song to sing..hehe

Bukan ini sahaja, still remember the individual photo for majalah sekolah?

When you say you don’t know how to self capture,I used to laugh at you..wakaka

17 y/o girl tak tau take sendiri punya picture..LOL

But finally you can make it juga la

We 2 always pakat to ejek penguin and ehuey about their NS

Its so funny to see their geram face..haha

You said before, we shouldn’t doubting each other if we really take our heart into this friendship =)

Maybe some people do not understand why we are so close,

But we do understand among ourself,


I do not need best friend in my life

But, I need TRUE FRIEND-just like 4 of YOU